Thursday, 6 November 2008

Sunshine & Waffles Production blog.

Sunshine & Waffles is a short independent film, written by Christopher Rees and directed by Daley Nixon, it will be produced by Gareth Jones and Christopher Rees, who will also share photography chores. 

The film will star Kimberley Nixon and José Manjón in it's two leading roles as Annie and Eric respectively; with Tori Lyons with the third small speaking role of Waitress.

"a disillusioned Eric is about to go off the edge, when rescued by Annie -a girl who he winds up spending the day with, getting to know and a person he can connect with. They spend the duration of the day pondering love and memories and their personal lives. Unfortunately, there is a revelation that threatens the future of their relationship''

The film was originally conceived as a comic book, but adapted to a short movie. This was partially because of it's low location and actor count, it would be feasible to film this as a short movie, with little or no money.

Currently, the budget stands at £150. 

Four drafts of this script have been produced with distinctive differences, which will be uploaded at a future date.  As well as production photos and test footage.

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