Thursday, 27 November 2008


Here's the resume's of the two leads. 

Annie. Played by Kimberley Nixon

Kimberley has recently risen to fame, starring alongside Judi Dench, Emma Roberts and Colin Firth. Kimberley has a very innocent and young look about her, one that fits the tone of the story well.  Her background is in theatre, which compliments the style of the film, as it is about the interaction between the characters. Kimberley was trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, and has performed many plays during her time there, including Road, The Seagull, The Crucible  and the lead in Quadrophenia. She moved on to a television mini series for the BBC, with Judi Dench. Moving on from that, she starred in polar-opposite roles in teen-girl flicks Wild Child and Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and alongside Jessica Biel and Colin Firth in Easy Virtue,  She recently completed a short stint back in the theatre with  Girl With the Pearl Earring. 

Eric. Played by José Manjon

José, of Spanish descent, currently studying at the prestigious Rose Bruford, who's home is at Pontypridd - not far from Kimberley. José has been acting for many years and has played many theatre roles in school performances, such as Bugsy in Bugsy Malone, Danny in Calamity Jane along with roles in Blood Brothers and Grease. He participated in a course with the National Youth Theatre in 2006. This will be José's first ten minute short as the lead. José was selected because his passion for life is a natural starting block for Eric's character. Although José has not tasted as much success as Kimberley, at three years her junior, he has a promising career ahead of him. His background in theatre, as with Kimberley, was a main reasoning in his selection for this role. 

Friday, 14 November 2008

The opening scene.

I figure. I'm a nice guy. I'll treat you to the opening scene.

Click it!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Test Footage.

Over at Youtube, and kindly embedded here, is some test footage of how teh bedroom scene shall look. there's no sound. 

Take into account, this is just the basic flow of the scene, the lighting wasn't set up and only one curtain was closed. the room won't look like for filming etc etc, it's just a test with Daley and [housemate] Shane.

Obviously, there are problems with this, but it was a rushed attempt (I believe it was shot at 2:17, and the camera had to be back by 3), so just take the motion and forget the rest. 

Also, how cute are the [non-couple] in their dressing gowns?

Sunday, 9 November 2008

 Eric's inital costumes.  I'm being all 'filmic', and i'll explain the colour choices. 

A blue/grey jumper and faded grey jeans. No blacks, purely because Black represents death and this isn't a film about death. The jeans and jumper would be faded with the wash, a 'watered down' version of  clothes. Hair and facial hair moderately unkempt - rugged.  His clothes are subtle and cold, contrasting to Annie's warmer colours. 

How pretentious does that sound?

Thursday, 6 November 2008

 Initial costume designs for Annie.

Sketches provided by Lauren Orrels

Sunshine & Waffles Production blog.

Sunshine & Waffles is a short independent film, written by Christopher Rees and directed by Daley Nixon, it will be produced by Gareth Jones and Christopher Rees, who will also share photography chores. 

The film will star Kimberley Nixon and José Manjón in it's two leading roles as Annie and Eric respectively; with Tori Lyons with the third small speaking role of Waitress.

"a disillusioned Eric is about to go off the edge, when rescued by Annie -a girl who he winds up spending the day with, getting to know and a person he can connect with. They spend the duration of the day pondering love and memories and their personal lives. Unfortunately, there is a revelation that threatens the future of their relationship''

The film was originally conceived as a comic book, but adapted to a short movie. This was partially because of it's low location and actor count, it would be feasible to film this as a short movie, with little or no money.

Currently, the budget stands at £150. 

Four drafts of this script have been produced with distinctive differences, which will be uploaded at a future date.  As well as production photos and test footage.